Update: Simplehuman won this round! Check it out here, plus our editor’s choice.
The waste has been scrubbed away and the nominations are dry: These are our readers’ five favorite dish racks. As always, check out what everyone had to say below, then be sure to vote at the bottom of the post.
simplehuman Steel Frame Dish Rack

I love it I love it I love it
Pros : it’s large
Cons: it’s large - bun_up_tun_up
This is the one I have too. The legs have an optional extension that allows it to drain over my (very high) top-mounted sink. The wine-glass holder also supports cutting boards and is a good way to hang things like a re-usable tea diffuser. The previous model included a knife-holder in one of the silverware bins. I really wish this one had that. - rjp
Yes, this is the best one for people who regularly use the dishwasher. Nothing better, IMO. Not sure how great it works for people who hand wash all their dishes. - Verbal Kunta Kinte
The Original XL Dual Dish Drying Mat

I like Bed Bath and Beyond’s 18" x 24" dish drying mats ($6.40 each with a 20% off BB&B coupon). Buy two and stack ‘em up for normal dish use and spread ‘em out if needed. They don’t look like a monster on your counter, they’re machine washable so they don’t smell and come in three dandy colors. - VBinNV
My wife had one of these dish drying mats that she no longer needed after she moved in (before we were married and were living in sin.)
I rolled it up with one of the elastic yoga mat holders, and we use it to this day as a portable dog bed for our border collie/terrier mix pup. It’s small, light, and perfect for a hike or outdoor restaurant. Fits under a baby stroller, and looks cool with that funky mesh bottom showing. - Ken Long
Love these things. Most of my stuff goes in the dishwasher but for those things I use too regularly I just hand wash and put on that. Doesn’t take up much space, can be moved easily, easy to wash, and gets the job done. If you do most of your dish washing by hand it’s not for you but for those with a dishwasher it’s a great compliment. - Moose Knuckle
Prepworks by Progressive Collapsible Over-The-Sink Dish Drainer

Nice rack!
You know I just had to. But it IS a nice one. I like the one I’ve currently got that fits inside the second sink so you don’t need a drainer and can rinse the dishes right in the rack. - sybann
PremiumRacks Professional Dish Rack

I just moved from an apartment with a dishwasher to one without, so I did some serious research when it came to selecting a dish rack for my new place - I do a lot of cooking, and have a lot of heavy pots and pans, so I needed something that could accommodate a large volume of dishes that could hold up to the weight of my cast iron collection. I settled on this.
It’s got some serious heft to it - all the metal is stainless steel, and the plastic pieces are high quality and feel quite durable. Its been able to hold a 4 person dinner party’s worth of dishes (not including the pots + pans used for cooking) without issue, and it fits neatly under my cabinets, with enough clearance for me to put a full dinner plate on the top rack, as pictured. My only small complaint is that the rack for knives could use larger slots - it can acommodate my 6-8" chef’s knives, but I do have some bigger blades that won’t fit. All in all, a minor inconvenience. - yourlittlehoodratfriend
IKEA Flundra

Pros: $3.99 and fits in a sink
Cons: easily over balances - bun_up_tun_up